
My writing, books, blogs, and more…

Writing, informal letters, Article writing, Dialogue writing, descriptive paragraph

Writing gives you the freedom to escape reality and create your own insanity.

Books I’ve authored.

While it all began with poetry and movie scripts… The lockdown and a boss that once said… “That’s because you are not a writer Zsolt” well I chose to prove him wrong.

Blogs I’ve written.

Much like This Toxic World. The blog is about the world and what irks me in it. If you are offended, feel free to complain, just don’t expect an answer, we can all have our opinions.

Real work? Wait this is work!

Let’s go!

From developing a marketing strategy to managing campaigns… To movie production and furniture manufacturing, I can do it all. Feel free to ask me about consulting and analysis for your business.

A big thanks to my editor, Janet Graham, who has supported me from the beginning of this journey. Thank you!

These books are all dedicated to the readers, the few fans and of course my family. Thanks for your support!


I wear many hats… I am bald, I either hide from the sun or keep my noggin warm.

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me through the numerous social media links. Follow like, share and spread the word, please…

The books

I do not tend to follow any patterns or genres. I write what I like and the way I feel. Many of my books have strong female leads.


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