Mount Merbuk, Lost-Part 20.

Finding Steve

It was Steve, it had to be Steve and I screamed out his name. Putu looked at me in fear and put his finger over his lips. I knew I made a mistake. I yelled out Steve’s name as I took giant steps over the tall vegetation and ran toward the body lying on the rock structure.

Once I got closer, I knew it was Steve. There he lay, his clothes ripped to shreds, his body covered in blood and bruises.

Yes, it was Steve, it was him and I felt like screaming but had to hold it in. My friend Steve had been beaten and bruised to the point where I could barely recognize him. He had large round bruises on his from the entities that had hit him and pounded him repeatedly. His skin was black and blue, bruised and beaten. I couldn’t see much more because as I turned the loud trembling and deep base sound of the trumpet shook my body.

Putu was blowing his horn as I heard rustling in the forest. I ran as fast as I could towards Putu, and we headed back behind the waterfall. It was them, the entities were back, this time they were just dark puffs of clouds.

No warning no white cotton candy clouds this time…

This was anger. These things were pissed off and angry. Putu Indicated that we needed to go. I didn’t want to leave. My friend was a sacrifice of some sort. I couldn’t even tell if Steve was alive or indeed dead. I wrecked the opportunity by screaming.

Putu leads the way back once more. I kept on repeating Steve’s name, he patted me on the shoulder gently and all I could make out of it was, patience, patience from his gentle but firm taps. He gave me an assuring look, meaning we would be back but for now, we had no choice because I screwed up.

We will have to come back. I will need to be quiet. I was happy, but happy was not the word. I was not happy to have found Steve. I was glad to have found him but not happy. I was distraught actually at the state and in the position I had found Steve. He seemed to have been a sacrifice.

Published by Zsolt Zsemba

Zsolt Zsemba has worn many different hats. He has been an entrepreneur, and businessman for over 30 years. Living abroad has given him many amazing experiences in life and also sparked his imagination for writing. After moving to Canada from Hungary at the age of 10 and working in a family business for a large part of his life. The switch from manufacturing to writing came surprisingly easily for him. His passion for writing began at age 12, mostly writing poetry and short stories. In 1999, the chance came to write scripts. Zsolt took some time off from his family business to write in Jakarta Indonesia for MD Entertainment. Having written dozens of soap operas and made for TV movies, in 2003 Zsolt returned to the family business once more. In 2018, he had the chance to head back to Asia once again. He took on the challenge to be the COO for MD Pictures and get back into the entertainment business. The entertainment business opened up the desire to write once more and the words began to flow onto the pages again. He decided to rewrite a book he began years ago. Organ House was reborn and is a fiction suspense novel while Scars is a young adult drama focused on life’s challenges. After the first two books, his desire to write not only became more challenging but enjoyable as well. After having several books completed he was convinced to publish them for your enjoyment. Zsolt does not tend to stay in one specific genre but tends to lean towards strong female leads and horror. Though he also has a few human interest books, he tends to write about whatever brews in his brain for a while.