Mount Merbuk, Lost-Part 10.


The cabin went quiet once more. I tried calling out to Steve. I did my best and called out as much as I could but there was no response. I tried over and over and nothing. Then from the corner of my eye, I saw a body rise. The body that I thought was Steve was not Steve. It was an old frail man, matching the woman in stature and movement. 

Where the hell is Steve? What happened to Steve? 

Trying my absolute hardest I turned my head a touch. The cabin was small, made of wood, and had two beds with a chair in the middle. That’s it, that’s all I could see. Still not being able to move, I did manage to put the bit of the story together. I was alive, and being looked after. Either Steve is alive and outside or outside and dead. By the time I gathered my thoughts, the woman was back and had brought something else for me to eat this time. I wanted water and nothing else to be honest, but I did my best to eat. After which I promptly fell asleep. 

Once more I came to and the light from the door was gone. Instead, I heard the crackling of a fire and the warm orange glow of the flames danced before me. 

That is when I realized I could turn. I had turned in my sleep and my head was facing the other bed and that is when I saw my backpack and Steve’s backpack.

Tears filled my eyes. I knew that if they had Steve’s back and Steve was not here, he must have not made it. Deep sadness overcame my mind and body. A moment of absolute grief came over me. I will not be able to blame Steve for what happened, even though I certainly wish I could yell at him for this at this very moment. Guessing I could yell, either way, he just would not be here to hear me. That moment I could see dark shadows approach the cabin. The old couple came back into the room.

Published by Zsolt Zsemba

Zsolt Zsemba has worn many different hats. He has been an entrepreneur, and businessman for over 30 years. Living abroad has given him many amazing experiences in life and also sparked his imagination for writing. After moving to Canada from Hungary at the age of 10 and working in a family business for a large part of his life. The switch from manufacturing to writing came surprisingly easily for him. His passion for writing began at age 12, mostly writing poetry and short stories. In 1999, the chance came to write scripts. Zsolt took some time off from his family business to write in Jakarta Indonesia for MD Entertainment. Having written dozens of soap operas and made for TV movies, in 2003 Zsolt returned to the family business once more. In 2018, he had the chance to head back to Asia once again. He took on the challenge to be the COO for MD Pictures and get back into the entertainment business. The entertainment business opened up the desire to write once more and the words began to flow onto the pages again. He decided to rewrite a book he began years ago. Organ House was reborn and is a fiction suspense novel while Scars is a young adult drama focused on life’s challenges. After the first two books, his desire to write not only became more challenging but enjoyable as well. After having several books completed he was convinced to publish them for your enjoyment. Zsolt does not tend to stay in one specific genre but tends to lean towards strong female leads and horror. Though he also has a few human interest books, he tends to write about whatever brews in his brain for a while.